Welcome at the Linux srcds installation tutorial. Here we will explain how to get a Source Dedicated Server running on linux. We assume you have enough Linux knowledge to download, run files etc.
 | After running ./hldsupdatetool.bin it will ask if you agree with the terms of conditions, a simple yes will extract the steam update file! |
1) Getting started with HLDSUpdatetool |
First of all download hldsupdatetool from the VALVe webserver. Make a dir called srcds_l, and save hldsupdatetool in that dir and run it. (Check this out when you have an uncompress error.)
Command(s):mkdir srcds_l cd srcds_l wget http://www.steampowered.com/download/hldsupdatetool.bin chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin ./hldsupdatetool.bin ./steam
The new version of HLDSUpdateTool will be downloaded now. You will be returned to the console after its done.
We can start downloading the files. This can take a few hours depending on the connection the server uses. Command(s):./steam -command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -dir . | If you want to install a Half-Life 2 Deathmatch server, use "hl2mp" for the game switch. Go get yourself a cup of coffee.
First edit (or create) srcds_l/cstrike/cfg/server.cfg like you want it to be. Now we are ready to run the srcds. ./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust -maxplayers 16 -autoupdate and press enter. (-game hl2mp if it's a HL2DM server ofcourse) Your srcds is now up and running.
Extra) Running srcds in background (re-attachable) |
We will make a script that will run the srcds in the background in a "screen" you will need to have screen installed for this. make a file called server.sh and put this in: Command(s): #!/bin/sh echo "Starting Cs:Source Server" sleep 1 screen -A -m -d -S css-server ./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 16 -autoupdate |
Save the file, and chmod it to run Command(s): If you want to start your server, simply run server.sh . It will start your srcd server in the background, to open it type: Command(s): If you want to close it again press ctrl+a+d, and it will detach the screen and keep it running in the background.
Revision 2: No Login information required anymore. |